Data Discovery, Classification, and Cataloging Services

Data Discovery, Classification, and Cataloging Services

Data Discovery, Classification, and Cataloging Services

Our data governance experts rely on AI-driven data discovery tools to search for, classify, and catalog personally identifiable information, both structured and unstructured, residing in the cloud or on-premises. By doing so, we provide our clients with a comprehensive and dynamic view of their PII across their landscape.

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Data Mapping

Using our AI technologies and data discovery methods, we create data inventories of all personally identifiable information to our automated data flow.

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How we do it.

Our team disseminates electronic assessments in our secure privacy portal to all necessary stakeholders to assist in the identification of all business assets, vendors, and institutions holding or processing personal data. From there, we can use our automated data scans to develop a precise and current data inventory and further classify all related processing activities. The end result is a dynamic electronic ROPA that is continually updated automatically.


Data Mapping Automation

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